Inspiring Conversations

Hi Shannon, what is the story of Vansanity?
I would like to share the story of Vansanity, as told by our Founder, Iggy Fanlo.

The idea of Vansanity began during the 90th anniversary Academy awards in Feb 2018. We were at an Oscars party and as usual, the women were watching closely in the front row and the men were loitering near the back of the room.

I wandered over towards the front to listen to the ladies’ conversation. This coincided with clips of past Oscars from 10, 20, even 50 years ago. Many of the party attendees made some comments about previous winners’ hair, teeth, and other cosmetic features of the stars from decades ago.

I also noticed a video clip on David Beckham, the original metro-sexual, with his completely shaven and heavily tattooed body. I recalled how unusual that had been in the 1990s for a heterosexual man, but yet how common that was today. I had also begun to hear of medical aesthetic brands like Botox and CoolSculpting.

Then, it struck me.

Our cultural perception of, and the societal “bar” for personal hygiene, body odor, body image/contouring, amount of body hair, and general outward appearance was progressively and quickly rising.

Selfies and even selfie sticks were all the rage. Social media, particularly visual ones like Instagram, TikTok, and others were exploding. The “bar” was going to rise geometrically in the near future.

Then I went to check the numbers. Non-invasive medical aesthetics had reached critical mass globally (~$10 billion) and was still growing at double digits. The margins were highly attractive and this was outside normal health insurance reimbursement issues.

I could see there was a financial opportunity. How could I/we also make this a worthwhile mission?

I began to study the industry and saw interesting parallels with hair care/styling. Haircare had this truly unusual CAC (customer acquisition) versus LTV (lifetime value) characteristic. While the hair salon spent the marketing dollars to acquire new customers, the hairstylists ended up gaining the loyalty and hence the LTV of the customer.

The hair salons responded in kind. The salons didn’t want to market to customers that they didn’t benefit from, but they were absolutely willing to rent their salon chairs/booths to successful stylists. In fact, this model became a kind of “creator” marketplace. The “best” stylists could attract, retain and profit from their great work. In effect, the “rental model in hair care” became a version of “capital expenditure fintech”. Salons provided the capital equipment; stylists rented the space.

By 2020, ~20% of ALL hair care revenues (total of ~$60 billion) in the US had moved to a chair/booth rental model.

It was a rare anomaly, but it was also almost completely true with med spas. In addition, in the US, while a typical hair salon cost ~$50,000 to open, it cost med spas roughly 10 TIMES as much (~$500,000) to open. ALL that remained for the rental model to flourish was scale or critical mass. I “knew” that this model would eventually prevail.

AND at the same time, we could EMPOWER thousands and perhaps even TENS of thousands of solopreneurs (90%+ women) to start, run and succeed in their own lucrative businesses. When I ran the numbers for our providers, I could see quickly how a successful injector/practitioner could literally make $300-600/hour. The NUMBERS WERE ACCURATE and ACHIEVABLE!

THIS was the start of Vansanity.


We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
With a startup, challenges are to be expected. With Uber, people couldn’t imagine riding in a stranger’s car. With Airbnb, clients couldn’t imagine staying in someone else’s home. Both of these businesses disrupted the Taxi service as well as the hotel industry, opening access so everyone can benefit from the rental model. The pandemic highlighted the fact that the traditional rental model wasn’t optimizing the use of space over time. Rooms and offices were sitting empty for long periods of time without use. If you leverage more people using the same space for less rent, everyone wins.  Empowering entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed without the requirment of a large investment.

Vansanity’s entrepreneurial opportunity is a change of mindset. Running your own business can be intimidating. We provide the support needed to transition providers to a flourishing independent practice. Space and products alone do not create a successful provider. Once established, Vansnaity is a business that is fully sustainable by its members. Our members are now on-boarding new providers; giving them the mentoring and support they need, offering their own training programs and marketing advice. Vansanity empowers aesthetic providers.


Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Who is Vansanity for?

Existing Practices

We are a contract-free office space and provide everything that a medspa has to offer. Expand your service offerings without taking on debt! Annual investments in expensive technology and devices goes away! Get trained and start immediately. No more referring out to other practices that have a device your office does not.

Independent Practitioners

Vansanity provides everything that a medspa has to offer and more! We offer device training so you can expand your service offerings and profit from your own services. Earn 50% of your procedure fee vs. 10-20%. Gain flexibilty, work less and earn more!

RNs, NPs, MDs & Aestheticians

We are the perfect place to open and start building your practice. Since you only pay for the time, you use Vansanity, you won’t have to worry about overhead costs. We also offer resources to help guide you through the process of running a successful business.

A BETTER Alternative to MedSpa Ownership-Vansanity MSO

The Vansanity business model with your brand. Less risk, more profit. Run your practice without the HR/staffing issues, access low wholesale product buy-in power, transition to device pay per usage fees and eliminate captial device expenses, on-going training & education. The Vansanity infrastructure and software will give your business the terminal value you need.

What is the next step to take with Vansanity?

Schedule a call with Vansanity & make time to tour a location. Learn about our product offerings, download the Vansanity app and sign up for training.

A day in the life of a Vansanity Provider

Via the Vansanity App: you book your room, select the time, the device you want to use, and purchase products. Your exam room is fully stocked with all the medical supplies you need. Your client is ushered back to your exam room. You only pay for the time you are at Vansanity with full control of your schedule, client transactions, and no overhead.

What is your next step to take with Vansanity?

Schedule a call with Vansanity & make time to tour a location. Learn about our product offerings, download the Vansanity app and sign up for training.

We are most proud of how we have changed the lives of so many providers. The testimonials speak for themselves. Our providers can curate their own aesthetic journey, use the space as an expansion of their own practice or grow their practice from the ground up, at their own pace. No contracts, no minimum expectations, use the space when you chose to. Vansanity offers autonomy, access and the opportunity to thrive. Vansanity is the future of aesthetics.


Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?
What our providers have to say: “Vansanity has given me the independence of owning my own practice, without the stress of committing to a long-term lease, including all the expenses of running a “store-front”. I have a beautiful state-of-the-art office space to welcome my clients and the ability to expand my medical esthetic practice to include various medical devices, that I would have otherwise not been able to afford on my own. This has allowed me to grow my practice, but also grow professionally. Vansanity offers support for further training and education. I have also enjoyed mentoring new providers on their journey in the medical esthetic field.” -Lara Simondi, APRN, CNM, MPH

“Vansanity has given me the platform to do something I never imagined I’d do – start my own business. And now I get to do what I love completely on my own terms. What a gift!” -Meagan Pietrasiak, APRN, FNP-BC





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                Dallas details coming soon

                Feel free to contact us for more information

                  What you get:

                  • Prescription product purchasing at volume, group, discount pricing at or below wholesale.
                  • Product purchase rebates (10-50%) to use as room credits.
                  • 1-on-1 continuing education and device training.
                  • Access to rooms, devices and expertise

                  Dallas: Opening Q4 of 2021

                  Vansanity is the next iteration of medical aesthetics practice developed to fully support the practitioner.

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